Student life

PEAC - University Athletic Club of Pécs

The sports club of the University was founded in 1923, in which students do competitive sports in twelve sections. The sections include aerobics, table tennis, women's and men's handball, women's and men's basketball, soccer, martial arts, women's and men's volleyball, archery, fencing and leisure time sports. The table tennis, women's handball, martial arts and fencing sections have won many important competitions, including national and international prizes.

The University Athletic Club of Pécs is the most dynamically developing sports club of Hungary, and it is looking forward to students who wish to join.

7624 Pécs, Boszorkány út 2.
Tel.: +36 72 503-608

You like to move it, move it? Everything for sports-lovers.

PEAC is the Sport Club of the University of Pécs. It's 13 sections wait for sports-lovers.


This section is led by Anita Borsos. Trainings are held at Ifjúság street and at Anikó Street 1.

Info: +36-20/400-6269

Table tennis

Just check in and you can play table tennis. The section is led by Dr.Ferenc Farkas.



The women handball team participates in the National Championship 2nd division. Trainings and matches are held in Dezső Lauber Sports-court. The section is led by László Schvara, the trainer is János Tóth.

Info: +36-30/238-9952

The men team participates in the National Championship 2nd division, too.

Trainings are held at Ifjúság Street. The section is led by Zoltán Lipcsik.

Dues for students: 2000 HUF/month.



The team of men of the UP participates in National Championship 1/B. The section is led by László Czéh. Trainings are held at Ifjúság Street.


The University of Pécs has two basketball teams for girls.

One of them has its trainings at Jakabhegyi Street and participates in the National Championship 1/B. This section is led by Áron Petőfi. If you are an expert in basketball, you can be the member of the team.


The other team called PEAC-Pécs is led by Zalán Mészáros, it participates in the Hungarian Championship 1st division. Matches are held in Dezső Lauber Sports-court. Admission for the matches is 600 HUF for students of UP.


The section is led by Georgiou Grigorisz. You can play football at Verseny Street Sports field.



The girls' team participates in the National Championship 2nd division.

Trainings are held at Jakabhegyi Street Sports Hall.

Info: +36-30/66-36-122

The men's team is called PTE-PEAC-Andragora, it participates in the National Championship 1st division. It is led by Zoltán Gyöngyösi. Trainings are held at Jakabhegyi Street. If you can play volleyball, you can train with the team! Dues for students: 3,000 HUF/month



The first training of the semester is to be held on 14 of September from

8:15 at Szigeti Street, Gym in the Basement of the Main Building. The section is led by János Tóth.


Combat sport

This section is led by József Jorcsák, trainings are held at Xavér Street 19 every Thursday at 18:00 p.m.



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